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Tagaste Madrid Student House

A best quality Student House with the best location in Madrid, the Salamanca district

Looking for the excellence

At Tagate Madrid Student House we work for our university students hasve all the services they need, both studying and their daily lifes.
When we ask them what is the best in our Student House, most of them focus the answer on the good daily life throughout the school year and the great number of friends with whom they share our services, study areas, libraries, cinema, games room, gym, solarium... and one more thing... the close and familiar treatment between staff an students we live in our Student House.


Music rooms

Air conditioning


Terrace - Solarium

TV & Cinema Room

Where is located Tagaste Madrid?

Would you like to live with us?

Tagaste Madrid Student House is located in Salamanca District, a downtown neighborhood in the city.
It's a modern and comercial area, easy accessibble from different metro and bus lines and quick comunication with the university campus

C/ General Pardiñas, 34 bis - 28001 Madrid
Tfnos: +34 647 90 44 01 | +34 91 435 41 80

Do you need information about our Student House in Madrid?

Fill the form and we send you an email as soon as posible.

You must accept your personal data treatment by Tagaste before sending the form.Read RGPD

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